Monday, November 18, 2013



I chose to write about dealing with anger by Alex Lickerman, M.D. I chose this interesting topic to write about because I know many people who can get angry really fast. As a child, I never understood why people got angry. Now I realize that the world is not perfect. After reading this article, I got a sense of sympathy of the people in this world who are angry. I found out that people get angry because they're depressed, to get something done their way, makes some people feel powerful, and lastly to fight injustice acts. 
Here is a wonderful picture of Dr.Lickerman!
         In the 8th grade I had a friend who was getting bullied. He was so angry all time at himself and I would never know why. Eventually, everyone just stop talking to him because of his outrageous remarks to himself. One day when he was home alone he tried to take his own life, luckily for him, his grandmother came over and found him laying on the bed. After recovery, he was sent to a special clinic that specializes in preventing suicides. Had I read this article earlier, I would of know that depression can lead to anger with oneself.   

The reason some teachers, not you Mrs. Halfen, seem so angry all the time is because they want to feel as a superior to their students. In 6th grade I had a teacher named Mr. Powell. Everyday before class he would start screaming and complaining about our work from before. I personally always felt scared to approach him during class because I was afraid of him screaming at me. After reading this wonderful article on anger, I now know that teachers that yell only want to make themselves feel superior. Here are a few questions and answers about teachers yelling at student, whether it's right or wrong.
Also a video of a teacher actually screaming!!

In my life I have only fought once out of anger. That fight was due to a woman telling me that I don't belong in this country because of my skin color. At first I looked at her, due to the fact of age I thought she was still living in segregated time periods. However, once she started to talk smack about me and my heritage, I snapped. Till this day I never knew why, until I read this fantastic article. I realized I snapped because I was angry over social injustice. Even though the lady was wrong, I was taught to never yell at my elders. At least now I have a reason for my misbehavior!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My Life

Life Story

The world saw the next greatest human born on September 16, 1997 at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago. My life really started around 2000 when I moved from The Villa to the city. I moved to the city because the city was closer to my parents work. However, that same year my cousin, who is 1 year younger than me, had to move back to Iran. Luckily, my dad was a good enough brother to take in my cousin and have him get a decent education in America.  
Growing up was rough, not because of money, but due to the fact that my parents were constantly at work. Some days I wouldn't see them at all until late night, other days I wouldn't see them at all. I had many opportunities to skip school and do wrong things. However, because my parents were not around I was taught responsibilities. My biggest responsibilities was my younger cousin. I had to make sure that he got dressed for school, I had to make sure he got to school on time, I had to make his grades were good, and the most difficult task was that I had to make sure he got home on time. 

For elementary, my cousin and I went to Audubon elementary. Apparently most schools here go 6th grade then go directly to middle school. Well, my school was little different, I went from Pre-k to 8th grade. Imagine going to the same school for 10 years!(It's terrible)
Enough of my life story you creeper! I plan to graduate on June 2015. #classof2015 . After graduation from Dulles High School, I plan to go to college. At this moment I not sure what college I want to go to and spend 4 years at. I hope to go to the University of Texas at Austin one day seeing that my dad wont let me leave the state. Sadly, you have to be top 8% to get into Austin.
After Graduation from college, I plan to move back to Chicago. While in Chicago I plan to get a job. My dream job would be to work for DA BEARS! I would want a high paying position were I can be able to make a bucket load of cash while also spending a majority of my time with my family. Speaking of family, I plan to marry a smoking hot women and have 2-3 beautiful children. As for my retirement, I plan to "retire" at the age of 55 barring any diseases or injury. After retiring, I would love to travel around the world to see new cultures and their traditions. I know I'll be dead whenever god has planned me to die, whether that's today or in 70 years. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Week 1. 5 Personality test.

Five Psych Personality Test!

The first of five test I took was the Jung Typology Test. Turns out that I'm an ENFJ or extravert, intuitive, feeling, and sadly judging kind of guy. The Jung test was spot on with my results. I am very extravert because I do like to go out, also I am muy (notice my beautiful spanish) sensitive and affectionate. I can sometimes finish peoples sentences off when they start to stutter, so I am intuitive. When I feel I'm doing something right but in reality it's very wrong, I never stop to think about the consequences. Being judgmental is hard to admit, however judging is something we all do. The validity of the test was spot on. Interesting fact, Barack Obama is apparently also a ENFJ.   

The second I took is adultery. I took this test to see if I was going to have an affair with my future hot wife. Not because the test only took about 5 minutes. The result of this test was that I have a medium risk in having an affair. However, the test stated that I was self absorbed and insensitive. That horrendous accusation is down right unbelievable. The Jung test said that I was a affectionate person with is true. So, the validity of this test deserves a 0 out of 20!  

I took the EQ test to see the validity of it because you had me curious. For me the validity was a 100% correct. I do need to stop worrying about others and think about myself. I must find what relaxes me, so I can excel under pressure situations. I can't compare myself with others because I can only be the best me that I can possibly be. Praise the person who made this test.  

I took the race test and I found out that I slightly prefered African Americans over European Americans. I wasn't to surprised considering I grew up in a predominantly Black/Asian neighborhood. By no means am I racist, but I do have preferences. Us minorities have to watch each others back because there are some dangerous people out in the real world. This test deserves a good score on validity because all my friends know I would save a minority before saving a caucasian male. Again not a racist!  

The final test I took was the Gender Test to find out if I was a sexist or not. It turns out I have no association between male and female with career and family. Not surprising considering that I strongly agree that all men and women deserve equal treatment. Or is this just hindsight bias?!? The validity of this test as you can see deserves a whooping 5 out of 5 for accuracy.