Thursday, November 7, 2013

Week 1. 5 Personality test.

Five Psych Personality Test!

The first of five test I took was the Jung Typology Test. Turns out that I'm an ENFJ or extravert, intuitive, feeling, and sadly judging kind of guy. The Jung test was spot on with my results. I am very extravert because I do like to go out, also I am muy (notice my beautiful spanish) sensitive and affectionate. I can sometimes finish peoples sentences off when they start to stutter, so I am intuitive. When I feel I'm doing something right but in reality it's very wrong, I never stop to think about the consequences. Being judgmental is hard to admit, however judging is something we all do. The validity of the test was spot on. Interesting fact, Barack Obama is apparently also a ENFJ.   

The second I took is adultery. I took this test to see if I was going to have an affair with my future hot wife. Not because the test only took about 5 minutes. The result of this test was that I have a medium risk in having an affair. However, the test stated that I was self absorbed and insensitive. That horrendous accusation is down right unbelievable. The Jung test said that I was a affectionate person with is true. So, the validity of this test deserves a 0 out of 20!  

I took the EQ test to see the validity of it because you had me curious. For me the validity was a 100% correct. I do need to stop worrying about others and think about myself. I must find what relaxes me, so I can excel under pressure situations. I can't compare myself with others because I can only be the best me that I can possibly be. Praise the person who made this test.  

I took the race test and I found out that I slightly prefered African Americans over European Americans. I wasn't to surprised considering I grew up in a predominantly Black/Asian neighborhood. By no means am I racist, but I do have preferences. Us minorities have to watch each others back because there are some dangerous people out in the real world. This test deserves a good score on validity because all my friends know I would save a minority before saving a caucasian male. Again not a racist!  

The final test I took was the Gender Test to find out if I was a sexist or not. It turns out I have no association between male and female with career and family. Not surprising considering that I strongly agree that all men and women deserve equal treatment. Or is this just hindsight bias?!? The validity of this test as you can see deserves a whooping 5 out of 5 for accuracy.

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